By Andy Jordan on Thursday, 21 June 2018
Category: Trading General

Staying on the “Sideline”

Don't get irritated or angered because you haven't put on a new trade in a long time. Whenever there is nothing to trade, don't trade. Accept it and stay on the "sideline." There will be an attempt by the "trading gods" to wear you down by giving you bad markets over and over, and for extended periods of time. This will happen, and it will happen on numerous, often successive occasions. Know this ahead of time so you are mentally prepared for it when it happens.

Just because you haven't entered a new trade for a long time doesn't mean its time to trade. Some traders think there is some kind of invisible statute of limitations on being passive. After two weeks, you've paid your dues and you've proven that you are a disciplined trader. So now you've earned the right to trade again, right? Unfortunately, this is not the case, and you have to stay on the sideline until a good trade shows up. 

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