By Andy Jordan on Thursday, 17 January 2019
Category: Trading General

Trading System

You will need a system or plan if you want to succeed in trading. The usual way of attaining such a system is many days of trading, hard-earned personal experience, analyzing trades you've made to learn from your mistakes, a knowledge of probability, observing other traders, trade simulation, book learning, seminars and mentoring, or any number of similar factors. Such a system will give you a correct mathematical and intuitive grasp, and once this hard-won system is in place, you should deviate from it only on rare occasions and for good reasons. Once you attain this system, it can operate almost by itself – you just do it, quite simply – almost naturally – without thought of opponents or outcome. If you don't have a system yet, or feel unsure about the one you have, my mentoring program can help to find the right system for you so that you can trade without hesitation or fear. 

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