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Option Strategies with Instant Income Guaranteed

Joe Ross and Philippe Gautier present Instant Income Guaranteed - Learn About Option Trading


Earn While You Learn to Trade!

Can you imagine discovering a way to trade that promises instant income? If you think such a method is impossible, think again. Instant Income Guaranteed trading education it is definitely achievable, and everything you need to know is available online for one low price in a special three-part online recorded webinars.

Instant Income Guaranteed provides stock trading courses for beginners and experienced traders alike. Developer and Master Trader Joe Ross along with Expert Instant Income Trader Philippe Gautier have spent the last several years perfecting a way to earn instant guaranteed income.


  • Special Three-Part Webinars
  • Detailed Q&A

    • Wealth building over time (requires patience)
    • Opportunity to create current income
    • Utilize other peoples money to finance your growth
    • The highest level of safety we have ever seen
    • Three-part webinar - In Part I, Joe Ross outlines the strategy. Beginning and experienced traders will discover new information! In Part II, Joe Ross walks you through various trades and scenarios. In Part III, Philippe Gautier explains updates and improvements to the strategy. In just a few hours, you will be prepared for actual trading, which can begin as soon as you feel ready. As an added bonus, these webinars are available to access anytime you want to view again.
    • How to select the right stocks for the strategy.
    • How to manage the trade.
    • How to compute returns on both margin and principal, and how to annualize your returns.
    • Trades offered for your consideration will range from around $20 to around $100, sometimes a bit more per share. Trades available at each price vary; however, it is possible to create one or more positions daily, provided you have sufficient funds.
    • Most brokers require a margin of 20% of the cost needed to buy shares per option sold. It can vary. For example, one known broker requires margin of only 15% on accounts over $100,000.
    • The length of trades varies. Trades average 17 days, but some trades may last longer during the two months of guidance, you will see why certain strategies are used, and you will realize that, if handled properly, you will be trading profitably.
    • You should be able to follow the strategy using any stockbroker. If you need a broker referral, Trading Educators can recommend one.
    • You can always “paper trade” what does not fit you account size: we recommend not to take positions exceeding 50% of your available cash in terms of underlying value. For instance, if you sell 1 XYZ 10P, with an underlying value of 10*100 = 1000$, do not sell more than 5 puts (or 50% of 10 000$ = 5000$) initially.
    • You can probably take all debit spreads trades we give from time to time
    • There are ways to limit margin requirements for the trades you take by buying cheap protection (i.e. buying a further out of the money put that will limit your margin requirements/total risk in the trade)
    • You may be required to put up full margin on some of the strategies. However, don't worry about that, because even with putting up full margin, the strategies make much more money than you can get from your bank, a money-market mutual fund, or from government bonds and notes.
    • You may have to receive permission from your broker to make the transactions from an IRA account. Some have told us they are able to trade the strategie from their IRA account.

Option trades vary.

Learn strategies to manage them.

What if I only have $10,000 to trade?

YES, you can do it, but you will be limited in the number of positions you will be able to take initially, the time for you account to grow.  However:

IMPORTANT!  If you intend to participate in the program using an IRA or any controlled pension plan, there are two things you need to know:

  • You may be required to put up full margin on some of the strategies.  However, don't worry about that, because even with putting up full margin, the strategies make much more money than you can get from your bank, a money-market mutual fund, or from government bonds and notes.
  • You may have to receive permission from your broker to make the transactions from an IRA account.  Some have told us they are able to trade the strategies from their IRA account.

Joe Ross and Philippe Gautier bring you proven trading expertise!




"About a year ago, I traveled down to Uruguay and spent a week with Joe doing his Instant Income Guaranteed seminar. Since that time, I was able to quit my regular job and now I trade full time. I couldn't have asked for a more amazing experience and I am thankful for the kind of lifestyle I can have without a 9 to 5." ~ Paula T., U.S.A.

"Hi Joe, Instant Income Guaranteed training has been, by far, the best investment in trading I have made (and believe me there has been some earlier investments...). I can strongly recommend this training to people who are not looking for unnecessary excitement but rather want to make money steadily by trading the way Joe teaches.  My warmest thanks to you, Joe!" ~ Juha Y., Finland

"The strategy was nicely explained and demonstrated on daily guidance podcast every working day. Joe explained some other important issues (psychology, when and why to take profit, how to deal with the deal when you under fire - roll out and down). During the 2 months daily guidance I had no loss. I find it very useful." ~ Petr Oliva, CZ

"It's been around a year since I enrolled in the Instant Income Guaranteed program. Probably the best trading decision I have ever made. It is amazing the annualized return you can produce if you keep flipping your money. I have taken shares on a couple of stocks because I chose to do so, I don't consider that a loss." ~ Thanks, Randy C.



$1,500.00 - Instant Income Guaranteed




Additional Info

  • Time: Short Term Trading
  • Market: ETFs/Stock

Derivative transactions, including futures, are complex and carry a high degree of risk. They are intended for sophisticated investors and are not suitable for everyone. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results, and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. For more information, see the Risk Disclosure Statement for Futures and Options.