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​Socially Responsible Trading

Of all the email I receive, I dread most the ones that are sent to me by traders and investors who want to be (and want me to be) socially responsible. "Socially responsible" is cousin to being "politically correct." However, I am not a good judge of what is socially correct. I can measure moral correctness only in terms of the Bible. I have held Philip Morris, Altria, and Lorillard stocks at one ...

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  1150 Hits

Wiping out the Trading Account

​Most successful traders failed at some point in their careers and wiped out their account. Many traders lose because they do not understand the nature of the decision-making process, which should be based on rational price action analysis versus emotional, irrational reactions to price action. A reason should be required for each market action taken. When fear exits a trade, it is more difficult ...

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  2113 Hits

Successful Trading

​Because we don't know what "successful" means to every individual, we should divide traders into different groups. I think most traders can be found in one of the following groups: Group One - these are mainly traders new in the trading business. They have read a book or two and they find trading very interesting, but they still don't know where to start. Group Two - these are the traders who alr...

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  2174 Hits

Beginning Traders Main Mistakes

There are several major mistakes that traders, especially beginning traders, are making much of the time. Here is a (for sure not complete) list. Mistake #1: Because of hype they hear from many sources, beginning traders believe they can learn trading in a couple of days or weeks. The truth is, becoming successful in the trading business takes much longer and is harder to achieve than it seems in ...

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  1850 Hits

What is a Mental Stop and Should I Be Using Them?

What is a mental stop? Why are traders afraid of them? Are they worthwhile? Why would anyone want to use a mental stop? Let's begin with why anyone would want to use a mental stop! It is usually preceded by your having been stopped out of the market only to have the market reverse and go the other way, causing you to miss a possibly profitable trade. That being said we can now address the question...

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  2021 Hits


​It would be wonderful if there were a foolproof and valid instruction manual for how to trade the markets profitably, a cookbook of sorts where you merely follow the steps and you are successful. For decades, traders have tried to find recipes for financial success. For some, the Holy Grail comes from the latest trading guru. For others, it may be a new software program. As appealing as a trading...

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  2135 Hits

Realism and Flexibility

​Eternal optimists often make the best traders. The winning trader engages in a constant search for innovative ways to take profits out of the markets. It takes a positive attitude to persist in the face of almost endless setbacks. If you are an optimist, you will pick yourself up gracefully after a loss. When you can't seem to find a high probability setup, you'll keep searching until you find on...

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  1527 Hits

Realism and Flexibility

​Eternal optimists often make the best traders. The winning trader engages in a constant search for innovative ways to take profits out of the markets. It takes a positive attitude to persist in the face of almost endless setbacks. If you are an optimist, you will pick yourself up gracefully after a loss. When you can't seem to find a high probability setup, you'll keep searching until you find on...

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  1498 Hits

Be Humble

​Seasoned traders observed long ago that after a series of wins, a trader is vulnerable to over-confidence and trading errors. It's quite understandable. Trading is a competitive business, and when you win, someone else loses. Market participants trade because they are greedy for profits, but often sell out of a fear of losing. How do many traders deal with the inevitable feelings of uncertainty a...

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  2140 Hits

Why Stops

​Would you ever think of jumping out of an airplane without a parachute? Of course not, but that's what some people do when they trade the markets. They are very willing to put their money on the line, but they don't have much to protect them from a major disaster. Placing a stop, for example, can prevent you from allowing a small loss to turn into a big one, but many traders avoid placing stops. ...

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  2054 Hits

Handling Success

In his book, "Trading to Win," Dr. Ari Kiev notes, "winning days are often followed by plateaus and losing streaks." Behavioral economist Dr. Terrance Odean observed that novice online investors who had a series of winning trades tended to have periods of overtrading. It's as if they believed they could take more risks, and potentially lose profits, since they had just made more than they expected...

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  2047 Hits

Trading education

Trading education

It seems as though everyone believes in trading education except those who really need it. For years, knowledgeable brokers have advocated it.  Trading coaches recommend it. And great traders are also believers. Why then do wannabe and aspiring traders not believe in trading education? Why are beginners so reluctant to shell out a few bucks to get the education they need in order to be succes...

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  2694 Hits

Keeping Your Focus Right

Some time ago I spent 4 days in a Forex trading office, teaching and working with the traders there. It was interesting to see how these traders speak with one another, and to listen to what they say. I couldn’t help making some observations which I will now share with you. If you are a part- or full-time trader, you may have enjoyed the attention this wild and wooly occupation brings at social ga...

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  2571 Hits

Emotions in Context

When you put your money on the line, it's hard to avoid getting a little emotional. Beginning traders may be especially prone to experience a roller-coaster ride of emotions, feeling euphoric after a winning streak, yet disappointed after a string of losses. How well do you handle emotions? Winning traders control their emotions. They don't let their emotions control them. But emotions don't happe...

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  2710 Hits

Searching for a Winning Strategy

Winning traders must identify profitable trading strategies. It's a creative process. Much like scientists find evidence to support a theory, traders must formulate hypotheses and determine whether their proposed strategy can produce a profit. You must sift through a wealth of information, mentally testing and retesting your hypothesis and trying to decide if it will work when the ideal market con...

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  2552 Hits

Recommended Time Frames

I have received the following question: I assume the Ross Hook (RH) and Traders Trick Entry (TTE) are applicable in whatever time frame the trader uses. However, there are some time frames that are simply too erratic or wild to trade. And pertaining to stop running, there must be some that are favorites of those attempting to do so. So is there a recommended time interval from which to trade, or i...

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  3249 Hits

Don't Give Up

I received the following email: Hey Joe! I’m ready to give up. When I found out that statistically most traders are losers, I wonder what chance I have of ever making it. You have every chance of making it. You are not everyone else, you are you. Statistics and those who use them may predict, but you alone determine whether you will succeed or fail. You alone are in control; take responsibil...

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  3673 Hits

Derivative transactions, including futures, are complex and carry a high degree of risk. They are intended for sophisticated investors and are not suitable for everyone. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results, and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. For more information, see the Risk Disclosure Statement for Futures and Options.