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Trading Educators Blog

#1 Trading Blog Site

Practical Teaching Derived from over 60 Years of Trading Experience and over 30 Years of Mentoring .  Click here to learn about private mentoring with Master Trader Joe Ross.


Abandoning Risk Limits

Winning traders manage risk. Risk management is vital for their survival. But financial risk management doesn't come naturally for most people. Behavioral economists have shown that people can be extremely undisciplined when it comes to risk control. After a big win, they can become overconfident to the point of exuberantly taking unnecessary risks. And after a big loss, they have a strong desire ...

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  170 Hits

​Making a Strong Commitment to Succeed

People ask me, "Just show me how to make big profits. I'm running out of time and money, and I just need to achieve financial success and get on with my life." Many would-be traders think this way. At Trading Educators we can tell you that of the masses that dabble in the trading profession, many don't want to put in the time and effort to master the markets. They are looking for a get rich-quick ...

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  276 Hits

Media News and The Behavior of the Masses

As a short term trader, your goal is to stay ahead of the crowd and let their money flow from their pockets into yours. The better you can anticipate the behavior of the masses, the better you'll be able to capitalize on their irrational decisions. The masses are notorious for over reacting to media news. A popular theory in behavioral economics is that buying and selling by the masses is motivate...

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  328 Hits

Visualizing The Trade

Before the opening bell rings, you may have clearly outlined your trading plan. You know where you will enter, and which signals will indicate the plan has gone sour. But when you try to execute the trade a few hours later, you find that you can't control your emotions. You enter, the market moves against you, and you panic. Stuck and frozen, you don't exit as you had planned. The market continues...

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  393 Hits

​The Intuitive Mind

Have you ever seen a pattern emerge, and you instinctively trusted your gut instinct even though your logical mind told you otherwise? Sometimes it works, but other times your intuition may fail you. Scientists are fascinated by how people use intuition. There's something intriguing and mystical about it. Intuition helps us make quick and rapid decisions without full conscious awareness, but somet...

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  533 Hits

​Pick Yourself Up and Move On

Are you having a bad day? Has media coverage spoiled your trading plan? Perhaps you are just feeling a little off? When you encounter an unexpected setback, you can feel beaten down. You might be tempted to just stay knocked down, stuck, and unable to get back up. "I'll never make enough winning trades to recoup my losses." Ever have these thoughts, when you feel beaten? It's natural, but you can'...

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  514 Hits

Dare To Be Average

When you put your money on the line, there's a strong need to seek out perfection. Many novice traders believe they can get everything just right. They believe that they can locate infallible information, find the perfect setup, and execute every trade flawlessly. In "Trading in the Zone," Mark Douglas notes that many traders are so consumed with making the perfect trade that they never get around...

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  500 Hits

​Don't Let A Setback Get You Down

If you want to become a winning trader, you must be willing to face losses without letting them get you down. Upon facing a loss, our first inclination is to feel disappointed, but how you react emotionally is merely a matter of how you look at matters. If you go in with unrealistically high hopes, you'll feel devastated when you encounter a setback. If you expect a setback here and there, however...

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  575 Hits

​Happy Traders Seek Out Balance

Trading is a challenging business. Only the most skilled traders can make a living as an active, full time trader. Trading experts suggest that novice traders approach trading the same way that students pursue their vocation in professional school, which requires a resolute dedication to sharpen their skills in order to move to the top of their field. The seasoned, professional trader has rare and...

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  748 Hits

​Getting Family Support

If there are people in your life who do not support your efforts to become a successful trader, avoid them. Avoid those who express negative energy on a regular basis, and vent their hostilities towards you. Wherever possible, terminate unhealthy emotional relationships that cannot be repaired, and if necessary, do it immediately. Negative energy has a cumulative effect that eventually wears down ...

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  866 Hits

​Planning Trades to Control Risk

The problem with many traders is that they have only half a plan, the easy half. They know how much profit they're willing to take, but they don't have the foggiest idea how much they're willing to lose. They're like a deer in the headlights, they just freeze and wait to get run over. Their plan for a position that goes south is, "Please God, let me out of this and I'll never do it again," but tha...

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  1149 Hits

​Carefree or Stressed Out?

Winning traders approach the markets with an optimal mindset. They trade "in the zone," but it's surprising how stress can impact your ability to enter this ideal state of mind. You can carefully delineate a complete trading plan, for example, in which every aspect is spelled out clearly, from when to enter and when to exit, and you may have a wealth of experience executing such plans, but when yo...

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  1967 Hits

​The Day After a Holiday

It's the day after a holiday. Are you going to trade today? Some traders believe that stock prices tend to rise the day after a holiday. Perhaps you have anticipated a rise in prices, and are holding a few positions in the hopes that you can sell into the strength brought on by the holiday. Nevertheless, the day before the holiday there's going to be less trading, just by the mere fact that the tr...

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  1981 Hits

The Volatile Trader

Note: I believe the article below was written by Adrienne Tograhie, a good friend and great trading coach. The Manic/Volatile trader has learned to create emotional volatility by developing a great imagination. By looping positive and negative stories with more detail, he is very effective in becoming dramatic. With enhanced feelings, he has justified to himself about being right. This keeps him s...

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  1802 Hits

​Making Choices

When confronted with a choice, how do you decide? Are the choices you make in life in general different from the choices you make in trading? It has been my experience that decisions in life that involve a perception of a possible loss, being wrong, or making a mistake, will very often take the same approach as the decisions you make in trading. Stuck Gary was a "want to be" trader for over twenty...

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  1548 Hits

​Find Your Biggest Financial Weakness and Fix It!

To position yourself for success in investing (and life in general), it's useful to identify the one key area that's holding you back. These factors can range from needing to free up more money to invest each month, to cutting back on frivolous spending, or even a lack of education on how to best manage your investments. You'd be shocked at how many people are unable to pinpoint obvious blemishes ...

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  1261 Hits

​What Did the Market Do Today?

In a number of places and at various times, I've mentioned that trading in the past was a lot easier than it is today. When it comes to making money over the long-term, the "instant results" generation is at a huge disadvantage. Most of the focus today (thanks to the business media) is on checking your financial scoreboard frequently. As a result, many modern market watchers are more like gamblers...

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  685 Hits

​I Will Never Stop Learning

I will never stop learning. This is my mantra and I will continue to practice it each and every day. Why? Because you never know where your next big opportunity may lie. Constantly learning will benefit you in many areas of your life. You'll uncover new investment opportunities, such as dividend stocks that are attractive for new money. Or, you can acquire new skills that open the door to bigger p...

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  953 Hits

​Who You Calling Rich?

Have you ever been a part of a conversation when someone decides to anoint a particular individual with the "rich" label? There's not really anything wrong with it, except for when the next part of the conversation moves on to discrediting how he/she was able to get in their particular position. Yes, sometimes people born into wealth squander their head start and "blow" their family's fortune. How...

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  1187 Hits

The Complex Emotions of Loss

Losses apply to all traders, regardless of their chosen markets. The story below could apply to Forex, futures, bonds, or stocks. Ray Activ has just taken a big risk and lost. He has been watching a stock for the past month and it's been going down. But today an earnings report was released. Yesterday, Ray had a strong hunch that actual earnings were going to beat analysts' estimates. In preparati...

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  1991 Hits

Derivative transactions, including futures, are complex and carry a high degree of risk. They are intended for sophisticated investors and are not suitable for everyone. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results, and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. For more information, see the Risk Disclosure Statement for Futures and Options.